Places worth visiting
Details about places with religion, historical or archeoligical significance worth to be visited by tourists.
There are certain historical places in Bhuj. Such as Tomb of Jamadar Fateh Mohmad, Panna Masjeed, Farming Mirror Palace, Palace of Loo Pragmalji with Salakha Umbrella. There are well known stores in walks of the city. Those buildings have been severely damaged in destructive earthquake of 26-1-2001. The old fort, military camp, fort on the hills of Bhujiya, the Desalsar and Hamirsar ponds provide extreme beauty to the town. Hamirsar pond is a famous place where people come in large number an holidays. The Kachchh Museum which was earlier known as Ferguson Museum was installed by the King Khengarjee. It is the oldest museum in the state of Gujarat. It provides glimpses of grand past period of Kachchh. The famous Swaminarayan temple, Hatkeshwar temple, Bhujangnag temple ro a serpant temple, the temple of family goddess of earlier kings of Kachchh etc. are some of the significant temples of the town. There are also Jain temple of Jindatt Surs, which are known as Sambhavnath Temple.
The temple of Lord Shiv which is known as temple of Rai Lakha
In earlier days, Mandvi was known for an important place of ship building. The ship built in 1780 in Mandvi had traveled upto England. There are places like a beautiful temple of Vaishnagar which was constructed by Rav Khengarjee, a Laxminarayan Temple which was constructed by Topone Sheth, a Swaminarayan Temple, an Asar Mata’s Temple, a Dharamnath Temple, Tomb of Pix Tamasa and a place of Rawal Pir. The tourism department of the state has considered this place as a potential tourist place of the state.
Rampal Vekra
Here there is a Swaminarayan temple. The place has become famous for its foot prints. There are two holy Kunds of Ganga and Jumuna. The fair is organised in Ganga near Rukmovoti River on 15th moon day. (a full moon day) of Kartik month.
There are five famous places of Jain pilgrims, namely Suthali, Kuthara, Jakhau, Nalia and Tera. Jakhau is one of them.
Tera is one of the five famous places of Jain Pilgrim – i.e. suthali, Kothara, Jakhau, Nalia and Tera
The famous Jain Temple was constructed in 1861 AC (Vikram samarat 1917-18) The temple belongs to Lord Shantinath the 16 the Jain Tirthankar.
The place is known to Balvant Sagar Dam which was constructed in memory of Late Chief Minister of Gujarat Shri Balvantrai Mehta. During Pakistani’s attack, his air craft was fiered by Pakistani Air Force and he died there an 19th September 1965. The monument is constructed at the place of crash of air craft.
Suthari is one of the five famous Jain places of pilgrim. There is a nice Jain Temple.
According is a legend, Ravan was gifted a Shiv Ling with total spiritual power. As an appreciation of his devotion and workship by Lord Shiv. The Gods of heaven got to eager to check the Ravan’s power of perhaps immortality. They conspired to take away the Shivling and established it in a place called Koti Lingeshwar. Therefore, the place is known as Koteshwar. Sheth Sundarjee and Jetha Shivjee constructed a temple in 1820 at Koteshwar. There is a Shivling in middle of a heart-place, below a water-spray. One can find a sign of some injury on the Ling. The same people also constructed a small temple which is situated in vicinity at Koteshwar temple as a taken of respect to Kalyaneshwar. Near it there is a big pond which get filled with ocean’s tides. Hindus take holy both in it before performing ‘Shraddh’ at here ancestors.
Narayan Sarovar
The main atraction of this place’s the temples located around. Narayan Sorover is known as one of the fire holy ponds mentioned in Shrimad Bhagvad. It is a holy place which is ancient one. In a village of Narayan Soravar, there is Adinarayan temple. It is based on style of Laxminarayan and Trikamray temple. Narayan Sorovar is a famous place. The Tourists Department of the state has considered it as potential tourists place.
The old Kanthkot fort is on top of a stone – hill. It is spreaded over 5 of circumference. There are remains of there temples on the hill – vil. Those of one Sanyasi Kanthadnath, second those of Lord Mahavir and third, those of Surya mandir. This is the only sun temple an district of Kachchh.
The place is known to Balvant Sagar Dam which was constructed in memory of Late Chief Minister of Gujarat Shri Balvantrai Mehta. During Pakistani’s attack, his air craft was fiered by Pakistani Air Force and he died there an 19th September 1965. The monument is constructed at the place of crash of air craft.
Suthari is one of the five famous Jain places of pilgrim. There is a nice Jain Temple.
According is a legend, Ravan was gifted a Shiv Ling with total spiritual power. As an appreciation of his devotion and workship by Lord Shiv. The Gods of heaven got to eager to check the Ravan’s power of perhaps immortality. They conspired to take away the Shivling and established it in a place called Koti Lingeshwar. Therefore, the place is known as Koteshwar. Sheth Sundarjee and Jetha Shivjee constructed a temple in 1820 at Koteshwar. There is a Shivling in middle of a heart-place, below a water-spray. One can find a sign of some injury on the Ling. The same people also constructed a small temple which is situated in vicinity at Koteshwar temple as a taken of respect to Kalyaneshwar. Near it there is a big pond which get filled with ocean’s tides. Hindus take holy both in it before performing ‘Shraddh’ at here ancestors.
Narayan Sarovar
The main atraction of this place’s the temples located around. Narayan Sorover is known as one of the fire holy ponds mentioned in Shrimad Bhagvad. It is a holy place which is ancient one. In a village of Narayan Soravar, there is Adinarayan temple. It is based on style of Laxminarayan and Trikamray temple. Narayan Sorovar is a famous place. The Tourists Department of the state has considered it as potential tourists place.
The old Kanthkot fort is on top of a stone – hill. It is spreaded over 5 of circumference. There are remains of there temples on the hill – vil. Those of one Sanyasi Kanthadnath, second those of Lord Mahavir and third, those of Surya mandir. This is the only sun temple an district of Kachchh.
The Gandhidham town was constructed to accommodate the new migrant from Sindh after independence. The place has there sub- units known as Adipur, Sardarganj and Gopalpuri.
The new port of Kandla, replacing old and small Kandla port is the biggest port of Gujarat and sixth largest of India.
There is a Jognidevi temple and a port. It is said to be 500 years old. (Ac. 1478D However it was reconstructed is 1853. This is a famous place for performance of Shrddh of ancestors.
The Gandhidham town was constructed to accommodate the new migrant from Sindh after independence. The place has there sub- units known as Adipur, Sardarganj and Gopalpuri.
The new port of Kandla, replacing old and small Kandla port is the biggest port of Gujarat and sixth largest of India.
There is a Jognidevi temple and a port. It is said to be 500 years old. (Ac. 1478D However it was reconstructed is 1853. This is a famous place for performance of Shrddh of ancestors.